General Dentistry

There are many types of dental practice out there, as well as types of treatment designed to help patients with a wide variety of needs. It’s important to know what, exactly, kind of help you can expect. That’s why Mission Dental is going to break down what you need to know about general dentistry in Nashville, what it’s designed to treat, its benefits, and some of the procedures it can involve.

What is general dentistry?

General dentistry is one of the widest categories of types of dentistry. As the name implies, it typically deals with the day-to-day issues that most people are likely to experience. This involves routine care of the teeth to prevent and treat decay, as well as some of the treatments that can involve repairing damage to the teeth. There is some crossover between general and restorative dentistry, but restorative dentistry typically refers to procedures aimed at fixing extensive damage.

Family smiling after general dentistry services

The benefits of general dentistry

Everyone needs the help of general dentistry in Nashville. It helps to make sure their teeth are kept healthy in the long-run. However, some of the specific benefits of general dentistry can include the following:

  • Regular checkups and cleanings ensure that you and your dentist keep a close eye on the health of your teeth and gums so that should any problems arise, you’re able to deal with them more quickly.
  • General dentistry also helps to prevent decay, oral infections, cancers, and more, as well as stopping the discoloration of teeth.
  • It can involve some restorative work to ensure you have a complete smile.
  • General dentistry is the main method of catching and treating gum disease, which affects a lot of people and can lead to tooth loss.

General dentistry procedures


Effectively, your dentist will take a look around your mouth and teeth to ensure that any changes to your oral health are recognized as quickly as possible. This can then lead to further treatment if they discover any issues.

Dental cleanings

Dental cleanings often happen during check-ups, but more cleanings can be prescribed as necessary. The dentist will clean both the soft plaque and harder-to-remove tartar that can cause all manner of issues, including tooth decay and gum disease.


If there are cavities caused by decay, the dentist will remove the decay before filling the cavity with materials such as porcelain, resin, or amalgam. This prevents further decay and protects the structural integrity of the tooth.

Root canals

If the pulp of a tooth becomes infected, a root canal treatment removes it, which can prevent dangerous infections from spreading.


These are two types of replacement teeth, crowns and veneers, which can either be fitted over the existing tooth or tooth root to help restore your smile.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are replacement tooth roots. Implants provide a strong foundation for fixed (permanent) or removable replacement teeth that are made to match your natural teeth.

Get the general dentistry help you need today

If you live in or near Nashville, Tennessee, and you want to enjoy the benefits of professional general dentistry, then Mission Dental can help you. Get in touch with the team today to make an appointment and learn how our general dentistry treatments can help you specifically.