Restorative Dentistry
The Best Ways to Look and Feel Your Best
Restorative dentistry in Nashville is there to help your teeth to look fantastic as well as function to the very best of their ability.
Turns out, a missing or damaged tooth isn’t just a cosmetic concern but a health concern as well. Filling the gaps and spaces in your mouth can help prevent cavities, as well as remove unnecessary stress being put on your remaining teeth.
So what can be done about it? Here are some of your options:

The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry defines veneers as “thin pieces of porcelain used to recreate the natural look of teeth, while also providing strength and resilience comparable to natural tooth enamel.”
It’s one of the fastest ways to a new and radiant smile and is a great option for those who want to fix gaps in their teeth, whiten stains in their smiles, and correct any chipped chompers. Getting veneers take one to two appointments so that you can be properly fitted and so your care can be customized.
The good news is, most veneers last up to 10 years, so it’s more than just a temporary fix. Made most commonly of porcelain, your veneers will mimic the appearance of natural teeth and will be able to resist unsightly staining.
Crowns are dental prosthetics used to bring a tooth back to its original shape or appearance. If you have a damaged tooth, a crown is a good option for fixing any broken, cracked, or unusually shaped teeth you may be struggling with. The crown is placed above the gum line and on the tooth surface, where it will be most visible.
Some materials used for crowns include porcelain, gold, and ceramics. It usually takes two to three dental appointments to get your crowns fitted and placed so that they can protect your teeth and function to their highest capacity for years to come. Dental crowns last an average of 15 years, depending on the type of crown and how well it’s taken care of. Crowns will leave you looking and feeling your best.
Implant Crowns
An implant crown is a natural-looking dental implant topper that gives your implant the appearance of a real tooth. Some of these crowns are cemented in, while others are screwed in. Both are reliable and long-lasting options. Implant crowns are more than temporary crowns, they’re built to last.
If you are missing teeth, it can do more damage to your oral health than you might think. It can cause the shape of your mouth and face to distort, other teeth to shift, and your jaw to experience discomfort and pain. All your teeth are there for a reason and without the whole team there and working together, problems can arise. Bridges are a great choice when it comes to replacing missing teeth.
Using your existing teeth as support, a bridge can be put in to fill those gaps in your mouth and give you a better appearance and greater functionality. Bridges are usually made from metal or ceramics and sometimes a combination of those two materials.
Cosmetic Bonding
Tooth bonding is when composite resin is applied to damaged or discolored teeth in order to improve the appearance of your smile. This is more of a cosmetic fix and can last up to ten years, depending on well you take care of your teeth. If you’re looking to improve your smile, this would be a great choice.
It’s important to keep in mind that these forms of restorative dentistry still need to be cared for like your other teeth. Oral hygiene, such as brushing and flossing, are still quite important and necessary in keeping your teeth looking the best that they can.
If you have questions about which option is best for you, give Mission Dental a call to discuss the best choice for you.